Do you want to know if your partner is unfaithful? Free . Analysis System based on statistics and AI...
Do you want to know if your partner is unfaithful? Free . Analysis System based on statistics and AI to determine Infidelity, psychological behavior and the possibility of infidelity in%, It is not based on Perditions or Random, The effectiveness depends on the most real enter the information, The names entered is only a label To identify the person, you can place a nickname or any data that only you identify.How it works: Based on behavioral studies, Psychological analysis of different aspects and variables, scientists perform profiling of people, with the data provided that the system collects searches all probabilities through an Artificial Intelligence system, searches for results and probabilities that identify and seek similaritiesLets give an example: A person (A) is unfaithful you answer the questions, the AI system according to the profile analyzes the variables and based on behavior and the number of probabilities will show you the% of Infidelity Example (80%): this means that only 20% can be faithful and 80% can be unfaithful,It also looks for the probability where the origin can be, (Social Networks, Closeness, How many people). Note: This is not a definitive test. It is a tool to have an indication of where you can start looking to demonstrate fidelity. Remember not to break the laws of your country of not breaking the privacy of the person.profiling, the questions have scientific purposes sometimes they will seem banal simple or repeated but as you go asking you go analyzing and profiling to relate it to several results that you show in profiling, it is important to answer them sincerely since it depends on the effectiveness. It is recommended to use it more than once and to check all the answers in time, in the week you will feel that you will ask questions that you have already asked but do not worry the BigData is feeding, it is recommended to use it at different times, you can outline Friends, couples, family, even celebrities. The requirement is that you have more or less information. The system has a computer robot that searches for information all over the internet. This technique is used for visas, loans, in Germany they use it to search for workers, to accept people to special groups such as the naza, groups where people with special characteristics are needed also in entities that handle sensitive information such as in politics, work of states, laboratories etc. Therefore it is possible to use it for other purposes such as infidelity. In the cold war it was used with large machines now it is easier because we are with more technology and access to it. In entities such as the naza they test with information that will seem silly to a lot like drawing a teddy, simple questions such as asking “shoes are pretty?” Scientists by means of the answer are profiling and identifying patterns, Note: Possibly in the question or answer text you will find spelling errors because they are made by robot spiders that explore the network and select in several languages because they work at high speeds, therefore it does not have a robust spell checker sometimes replaces it with the N since Many languages do not use Ñ, as do the tildes.